01.11.2016 Zooming now available
01.06.2016 Filter screens
01.05.2016 Internal notes now available
01.06.2015 Apple watch support
01.05.2015 Support for retina screens
01.03.2015 Show/Hide the statusbar on mobile devices
10.01.2015 Export projects as PDF
10.11.2014 Live cursors: see the cursor movements of all people online in real time.
10.09.2014 Realtime design & video presentations
10.08.2014 Mobile projects for iPad, iPhone and Android now available
10.07.2014 Set up global Note categories.
13.05.2014 Launch: Realtime Video Collaboration
16.04.2014 A bunch of UX updates
13.03.2014 Support for IOS android
12.02.2014 Bulk upload to add new versions or replace existing screens
08.02.2014 Start a project with a sketch
27.01.2014 Dashboard: Added filter to live-filter projects
24.01.2014 LIST-mode updates (preview of all notes, open/close discussions via click on each title)
20.01.2014 Several UX improvements (Live filter, Close project option)
20.01.2014 Shortcuts to show or hide contents and UI: Tools (T) - Screens (S) - History (H) - Hide all contents (SPACE)
20.01.2014 New working modes: Edit, List and Prototype - Shortcuts: Edit (E) - List (L) - Prototype (P)
10.01.2014 Important to-dos can be highlighted with stars
08.01.2014 To-do related discussions are now displayed on own discussion pages
08.01.2014 Improved to-do section: searchable drop downs to navigate through projects, to-do lists and people
04.01.2014 New permanent drag & drop upload box in the sidebar.
23.12.2013 Added the whole project history to the editor (Shortcut: H)
18.12.2013 Invite, assign or remove people from projects on several locations.
30.11.2013 Filter screens by status (Editor)
10.11.2013 Dashboard activities pop-up in realtime
02.11.2013 Added Realtime notifications (editor, dashboard and projects page.)
30.10.2013 Support of multipage PDF documents
12.09.2013 Added the ability to invite or add people during the project setup.
12.08.2013 Customized project previews
04.07.2013 Added a sketching toolbox to the editor
20.06.2013 Added the ability to add notes by click on the screen
17.06.2013 Added Selections as a further comment tool
07.06.2013 Added new responsive email templates
03.06.2013 Launch of Notism: Adition: Design Versioning
30.10.2013 Support of multipage PDF documents
29.05.2013 Live-Filter on the projects page / Hide archived projects-option
02.01.2013 Added the ability to directly send tasks to Basecamp and Asana.
01.02.2013 Added a realtime Dashboard in the Editor
01.01.2013 UI updates (frontend & editor)
04.11.2013 Added a solid task-managementsystem
05.09.2012 Added Shortcuts to the Editor
05.09.2012 Added file attachments / Screen status feature
01.09.2012 Added a second View: Design / List view
01.08.2012 Reply to discussions directly via email
01.07.2012 Launch of first beta